Questions Answered: on Flossing Everyday, Dental Emergencies, and More

Sometimes, it’s too late to call the dentist for advice about your teeth. Other times, you’re simply on the hunt for knowledge. No matter your reasoning, why not take this opportunity to learn about some of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to oral hygiene?

Whether you’re wondering “Do I need to see a dentist near me ASAP?” or “Do I need to floss every day?” Today’s answers may help.

“When do I need to seek emergency dental help?”

Knowing when to call the dentist during off-hours can help save you quite a bit of stress – and even some unnecessary trips to the emergency room. While accidents (especially with kids) always happen at the worst times, when it comes to your teeth – sometimes you need immediate treatment and other times you might be able to wait.

While chipped teeth are one of the most common dental “emergencies,” many times they aren’t an emergency at all. If the chip is minor enough to not expose the inside of your (or your child’s tooth), chances are you can wait until morning to contact your family dentist.

On the other hand, if a crack is severe or the tooth’s been completely knocked out, it’s generally a good idea to seek medical care immediately. In the meantime, handle the tooth as little as possible (if it’s been knocked out) and keep it in a container of milk or saliva to help preserve it and increase the chance it can be put back in its rightful place.

Do I need to floss every day?”

(Short answer: yes. But don’t worry, once it becomes a habit it’s just as easy as brushing)

The American Dental Association recommends that every patient flosses at least once a day. Unfortunately, once a day tends to be much more than the average patient tends to floss. While it doesn’t generally matter when you floss, the important fact is that it gets done at all.

While it might be tough at first, simply making it a part of your routine is the easiest way to help keep your teeth healthy for life. And always remember the saying: “Floss the teeth you want to keep”.

Do Kids need to Floss?”

Yes! For some reason, many parents seem to forget that it’s equally important for children to floss their teeth. As soon as your child has teeth that are aligned enough to touch, they should understand how important flossing is. Of course, due to the fact that kids tend to have less dexterity than their parents, it is best if you help your children floss until they’re old enough to take care of it on their own. For most, this tends to be until about age 10.

“Is Teeth Whitening Bad for My Teeth?”

Teeth whitening is one of the fastest and most effective ways to see an instant transformation in your smile. But does it come at a price? Generally, no. While teeth whitening can contribute to sensitivity and in some cases – damage to the roots of your teeth – these risks are generally very low, and your dentist can cater a whitening program to your specific smile to help ensure a positive result.

Do you have more questions?

The dentists at Cypress DDS are some of the best dentists in Cypress, CA when it comes to keeping their patients informed and on-top of their oral hygiene. To learn more about your teeth, check out their blog today.


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